approach technique

approach technique
техника пилотирования при заходе на посадку

Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. . 1974.

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Смотреть что такое "approach technique" в других словарях:

  • approach — būdas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. approach; technique vok. Technik, f; Verfahren, n rus. способ, m pranc. méthode, f; procédé, m; technique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • technique — būdas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. approach; technique vok. Technik, f; Verfahren, n rus. способ, m pranc. méthode, f; procédé, m; technique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction — (THERP) is a technique used in the field of Human reliability Assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken… …   Wikipedia

  • approach — [n1] way, means of arriving access, accession, advance, advent, avenue, coming, drawing near, entrance, gate, landing, nearing, passage, path, reaching, road, way; concepts 159,501 Ant. departure, distancing, leaving approach [n2] request,… …   New thesaurus

  • technique — [n] method address, approach, art, artistry, capability, capacity, course, craft, delivery, execution, facility, fashion, knack*, know how*, manner, means, mode, modus, modus operandi, performance, procedure, proficiency, routine, skill, style,… …   New thesaurus

  • approach — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I v. t. accost, confront, encounter (See contact); draw near, approach. n. access, avenue, ingress; bid, offer; fashion, manner, method; nearing, approach. Ant., withdraw, recede. II Motion toward Nouns… …   English dictionary for students

  • approach — 1. verb 1) she approached the altar Syn: move towards, near, come near, close in on, close with, gain on 2) she approached him about a pay rise Syn: speak to, talk to, sound out, make a proposal to …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • approach — būdas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. approach; mode; technique vok. Technik, f; Verfahren, n rus. метод, m; способ, m pranc. mode, m; méthode, f; procédé, m; technique, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • approach — Synonyms and related words: MO, access, accomplish, accomplishment, accordance, accost, achieve, achievement, act on, address, adit, advance, advances, advent, advise, agreement, air lock, algorithm, alikeness, alliance, analogy, answer,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • approach — 1. verb 1) she approached the altar Syn: move toward, come/go toward, advance toward, inch toward, go/come/draw/move nearer, go/come/draw/move closer, near; close in, gain on; reach, arrive at Ant: leave 2) …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • technique — būdas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. approach; mode; technique vok. Technik, f; Verfahren, n rus. метод, m; способ, m pranc. mode, m; méthode, f; procédé, m; technique, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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